
  • Navigating Life's Transitions: Supporting Our Children Through Change"
    Mar 16 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of guiding our children through life's inevitable changes, such as alterations to daily routines, transitions between school years, and other significant and insignificant life events. Understanding that change can often be a trigger for neurodiverse individuals, we share expert strategies and personal anecdotes on preparing our children for these transitions, ensuring they feel supported and understood.

    We discuss the importance of establishing a sense of routine and predictability, while also fostering resilience and adaptability in our children. By introducing small changes gradually, using visual schedules, and maintaining open communication, we can help our children navigate new experiences with confidence. Additionally, we explore how parents can prepare themselves emotionally and mentally for their child's reactions to change, emphasizing self-care, seeking support from a community that understands, and staying informed about best practices in neurodiversity parenting.

    Our conversation extends to the unique challenges and strengths of raising Black neurodiverse children, addressing the intersectionality of race and neurodiversity, and advocating for their rights and needs in all settings. Whether you're a parent, guardian, educator, or ally, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips for making transitions smoother and more positive for neurodiverse Black children, while also preparing yourself for the journey ahead. Join us as we embrace change together, creating a supportive and understanding environment for our children to thrive.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Journeys of Discovery: How we discovered our children's neurodiversitiy with special guest Ije Chukukere"
    Mar 15 2024

    Today we sit down with special guest Ije Chukukere to share our personal journeys of realising and embracing our children's additional needs. From the initial moments of discovery to navigating the complex world of support systems, we delve into the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies the quest to understand and advocate for our children's unique needs.

    Our discussion opens with the stories of how we first recognized our children were on distinctive paths, highlighting the signs, emotions, and challenges that led to their diagnosis. Ije Chukukere, bringing a wealth of experience and insight, shares her own experiences, shedding light on the multifaceted process of seeking support—from educational adjustments to therapeutic interventions and community resources.

    We explore the depths of our emotions throughout this journey, touching on the moments of fear, confusion, acceptance, and ultimately, empowerment. This conversation is a candid exploration of the highs and lows, the lessons learned, and the resilience built along the way.

    Moreover, we reflect on what we would have done differently with the wisdom we've gained, offering advice to listeners who might be at the beginning of their journey. Equally important, we discuss the ongoing strategies and support systems we've put in place to ensure our children thrive, emphasising the importance of community, self-care, and continuous learning.

    Join us for this episode of profound stories and valuable insights, as we and Ije Chukukere navigate the complexities of parenting children with additional needs, celebrating the unique individuals they are and the extraordinary journeys we're on together.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Breathing Easier: The Launch of The Oxygen Mask Project
    Mar 14 2024

    Welcome to the inaugural episode of "The Oxygen Mask Project," a pioneering podcast dedicated to the empowering journey of Black parents and carers of neurodiverse children. In this first episode, we set the stage for a series filled with deep insights, heartfelt stories, and expert guidance at the crossroads of parenting, neurodiversity, and Black identity.

    Dive into a space where open dialogue and shared experiences form the cornerstone of our community. We'll discuss the unique joys and challenges of raising neurodiverse children, from the triumphs of everyday victories to the struggles of advocating within complex healthcare systems. No subject is too big or too small for our candid conversations.

    More than just talk, "The Oxygen Mask Project" is committed to providing tangible support and resources to foster the mental resilience and overall wellbeing of caregivers. Understand the importance of self-care and how, by donning our oxygen masks first, we can offer better support to our children.

    Join us as we embark on this vital journey together, building a community where every parent and carer finds strength, support, and understanding. Tune in to not only find solace in shared stories but also to gather practical advice and professional resources. Let's lift each other up and make breathing a little easier for everyone involved.

    Más Menos
    8 m