
  • EP 295 | The Emerging Threat of Debanking: Protecting Financial Liberty
    May 30 2024
    In this revealing episode, Kevin Freeman engages with Lathan Watts, vice president of public affairs for Alliance Defending Freedom, to uncover the concerning trend of "debanking" — where individuals and organizations are denied banking services due to their social or political beliefs. This discussion sheds light on how this practice mirrors aspects of China's social credit system and poses a stark threat to American freedom, drawing parallels to historical concerns over the control of financial liberty. With Alliance Defending Freedom at the forefront of tackling these issues, including defending clients like Indigenous Advance Ministries, the conversation emphasizes the urgent need for awareness, legal advocacy, and policy reform to safeguard the foundational principles of liberty and free speech. Tune in to unearth the crucial intersection of finance, freedom, and the alarming rise of debanking.
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    25 mins
  • Ep 294 | The Great Campaign: A Quest for Humanity and Love
    May 23 2024
    Dive into an enlightening conversation with Jason Jones, a seasoned film producer, author, and human rights activist, as he shares his profound insights on the Great Reset from a uniquely humanitarian and ethical perspective. Jason is known for his remarkable work defending the most vulnerable and promoting human dignity. He discusses his new book, "The Great Campaign Against the Great Reset," and explores the pivotal role of love, personalism, and solidarity in countering the ideologies driving the Great Reset. Jason not only challenges the prevailing narratives surrounding the Great Reset but also offers a path toward a more humane and loving society. Don't miss this compelling discussion in the Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman.
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    25 mins
  • Ep 293 | The 7 Truths Every Financial Adviser Should Know
    May 16 2024
    Dive into the compelling insights from Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room as he discusses the surprisingly small percentage of Americans seeking financial advice and the drastic difference in adviser usage among millionaires. Discover the seven critical realities reshaping the financial advisory landscape, from inflation and the impact of "woke" culture to the emergence of a parallel economy and the game-changer that is AI. Freeman's expertise not only draws from statistical data but also interweaves his personal experiences in the financial sector, offering a deep dive into why these elements are indispensable for advisers striving to better serve their clients today. In this must-watch episode, prepare to rethink what you thought you knew about financial planning and investment strategy
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    25 mins
  • SPECIAL | The Final Analysis
    May 14 2024
    Kevin Freeman talks with NY Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi about his new bombshell book, "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis," which presents indisputable forensic evidence that two shots fired from the front and one shot fired from the rear killed the president in a Dealey Plaza crossfire — exposing a 60-year cover-up by the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the Secret Service. In this decisive analysis of the JFK assassination, medical expert Dr. David W. Mantik and Jerome R. Corsi definitively validate the observations of the physicians at Parkland Hospital, who recognized immediately that the wound in JFK’s throat and the massive, avulsed blowout in the back of his head both involved frontal shots. What distinguishes this book from the myriad books written on the JFK assassination is that Dr. Mantik’s optical density measurements of the JFK skull X-rays in the National Archives leave no doubt the X-rays were altered to disguise evidence of the two frontal shots. With over four decades of experience reading X-rays, Dr. Mantik has examined the JFK assassination materials more than anyone else.
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    16 mins
  • Ep 292 | Unveiling the Truth: The Courage to Face COVID-19
    May 7 2024
    Join Kevin Freeman as he dives into a groundbreaking interview with Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake in the Economic War Room, where they shed light on their book, "The Courage to Face COVID-19." Witness how Dr. McCullough, hailed as a fearless leader during the pandemic, exposes the failures of government health agencies and Big Pharma, advocating for repurposed drugs that could have ended the pandemic sooner. Discover the orchestrated efforts to undermine early treatment options, labeling life-saving protocols as unproven, all while pushing for a vaccine-centric approach. This eye-opening discussion challenges the narrative set by authorities and provides hope and direction for a future when medical freedom and patient care reign supreme. Don't miss this critical examination of one of the most controversial times in modern medical history.
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    25 mins
  • Ep 291 | American Sovereignty Hangs in the Balance
    May 2 2024
    Did you know that sovereignty, the core of American freedom, might be at risk? Frank Gaffney joins Kevin Freeman to warn of two ominous treaties with the World Health Organization that, if adopted, could transform its director into a global dictator of health policy, sidelining our Constitution and sovereignty. This is not just about health; it’s about fundamental freedoms, our states' rights, and our nation's foundational principles. Imagine decisions made not with your interest at heart but through the lens of global governance, potentially compromising your rights, health policies, and even local sovereignty. But here's the good news: WE can make a difference! By raising our voices, informing others, and demanding action from our representatives, we can protect our sovereignty and ensure our freedoms remain intact for generations. This is a critical moment in our history, and every voice counts.
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    25 mins
  • Ep 290 | A New Tool that Maximizes the Power of the Proxy
    Apr 25 2024
    Scott Shepard from the National Center's Free Enterprise Project joins Kevin Freeman in the Economic War Room to discuss the issues surrounding environmental, social, and governance investing and how it has been used to push political agendas to the detriment of shareholder value. Shepard highlights how large investment firms like BlackRock have shifted from offering ESG-specific investment vehicles due to their underperformance to continuing to use their influence to drive ESG goals. He also explains the role of proxy voting and how, traditionally, company shareholders have been sidelined in favor of "stakeholder" interests. To combat this, Shepard introduces the Proxy Navigator tool, a free resource for shareholders to vote in line with their interests and enforce corporate neutrality, aiming to maximize returns and defend the principle of free-market capitalism. Kevin Freeman emphasizes the importance of this tool for individual and institutional investors, offering a way to assert their voices against politicized corporate governance and re-establish the fiduciary standard eroded by the ESG movement.
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    25 mins
  • Ep 289 | The Fate of Empires
    Apr 18 2024
    Join Kevin Freeman in the "Economic War Room" as he raises the alarm about the potential demise of the American empire at its 250-year mark. Freeman explores historical patterns, highlighting currency debasement and unsustainable debt as hallmarks of fallen civilizations. Discover potential solutions to avoid the fate of empires past, and learn about the push for states to adopt their own gold and silver currency for economic stability. Tune in and grasp the urgent call to action for preserving America's future!
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    25 mins