Alanna McAuliffe

Alanna McAuliffe

Articles & Interviews

Roll Out the Red Carpet for 2023's Award Season Listening Recommendations

Roll Out the Red Carpet for 2023's Award Season Listening Recommendations

15 poignant and postapocalyptic listens for fans of "The Last of Us"

15 poignant and postapocalyptic listens for fans of "The Last of Us"

Ahmet Zappa opens up about narrating his legendary father's memoir

Ahmet Zappa opens up about narrating his legendary father's memoir

Whatever It Takes, TV Powerhouse Linda Schuyler Advocates for Authentic Teen Storytelling

Whatever It Takes, TV Powerhouse Linda Schuyler Advocates for Authentic Teen Storytelling

Stay inside and lock the doors—these slasher audiobooks bring the thrills to you

Stay inside and lock the doors—these slasher audiobooks bring the thrills to you

From page to scream—35 terrifying listens that inspired horror movies

From page to scream—35 terrifying listens that inspired horror movies

Kick off spooky season with a listening rec based on your favorite horror movie

Kick off spooky season with a listening rec based on your favorite horror movie

Tom Mustill Makes Waves with a Sci-Tech Look into Animal Communication's Future

Tom Mustill Makes Waves with a Sci-Tech Look into Animal Communication's Future

Grant Morrison Casts a Spell With Their “Weird and Witchy” Debut Novel

Grant Morrison Casts a Spell With Their “Weird and Witchy” Debut Novel

17 Years after his debut, John Green's call to empathy still resonates

17 Years after his debut, John Green's call to empathy still resonates

The best true crime podcasts of all time

The best true crime podcasts of all time

Hearing loss: Navigating the noise of grief and surviving the silence that follows

Hearing loss: Navigating the noise of grief and surviving the silence that follows